A downloadable game for Linux

Simple tycoon game where you can earn money by placing balls

Tier 1 ball:

40 coins, 0.001 coins p/s, lmb to place

Tier 2 ball:

120 coins, 0.01 coins p/s, lmb+a to place

Tier 3 ball:

2500 coins, 1 coins p/s, lmb+S to place

Tier 4 ball:

765,000 coins, 100 coins p/s, lmb+D to place

Tier 5 ball:

1,000,000 coins, 1,000 coins p/s, lmb+F to place

Tier 6 ball:

100,000,000 coins, 10,000coins p/s, lmb+G to place

Tier 7 ball:

1,000,000,000 coins, 1,000,000 coins p/s, lmb+H to place

Making it more interesting, If you dont purchase a ball for more than 600-700 seconds, You will have a loss of 100 coins, so if you're in early-game make sure to not go afk, otherwise you can end up in the negatives and not be able to purchase anything

save your progress by pressing TAB

to load a world, follow these steps:

1. Make sure Ball Tycoon 1 is installed

2. Open the installation directory in a terminal

3. Run the 'game' file with the save file as a argument (like './game save_file.json'

4. Enjoy!


Ball Tycoon 1.5.war 540 kB

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